Package: StereoMorph 1.6.7

StereoMorph: Stereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction

Functions for the collection of 3D points and curves using a stereo camera setup.

Authors:Aaron Olsen, Annat Haber

StereoMorph.pdf |StereoMorph.html
StereoMorph/json (API)

# Install 'StereoMorph' in R:
install.packages('StereoMorph', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3


129 exports 1.00 score 37 dependencies 1 dependents 2 mentions 71 scripts 478 downloads

Last updated 2 years agofrom:cea92c1ebb. Checks:OK: 4 NOTE: 5. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 13 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTESep 13 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTESep 13 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTESep 13 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTESep 13 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTESep 13 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKAug 14 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKAug 14 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKAug 14 2024



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Stereo Camera MorphometricsStereoMorph-package alignShapesToMidline btShapes checkCornerOrder check_system_command_SM cprod_SM createErrorPlots dilateImage distancePointToPlane distortionError dltCCEstimateStartParams drawRectangle drawShapes epipolarBezier equalizeImageHist erodeImage estimateDistortion estimateDLTCoefficients estimateUndistortion findBoundaryPoints findCornerSubPix findEpipolarTangencyAngles findHomography findInterpointDistanceError generateQuads gridPointsFitError intCornersFromQuads inverseGridTransform list2XML4R listToJSONStr matchCurvePoints meanBlurImage orderCorners polyArea print_processing_times process_digitize_images_input readLandmarksToArray readTPS readXML4R readXMLLines read_video_info reflectMissingShapes removeOutlierCorners rgbToGray rotationMatrixZYX_SM StereoMorph StereoMorph_dilateImage StereoMorph_drawRectangle StereoMorph_equalizeImageHist StereoMorph_erodeImage StereoMorph_findBoundaryPoints StereoMorph_findCornerSubPix StereoMorph_generateQuads StereoMorph_intCornersFromQuads StereoMorph_meanBlurImage StereoMorph_orderCorners StereoMorph_rgbToGray StereoMorph_thresholdImageMatrix testCalibration thresholdImageMatrix tMatrixDC_SM undistort undistortionError undistortShapes uvector_SM XML4R2list XML4R2listLines
Aligns bilateral landmarks to the midline planealignLandmarksToMidline print.summary.alignLandmarksToMidline summary.alignLandmarksToMidline
Computes the angle between two vectorsavectors
Finds the optimized DLT coefficients for a stereo camera setupcalibrateCameras print.calibrateCameras
Opens the StereoMorph Digitizing AppdigitizeImage
Opens the StereoMorph Digitizing AppdigitizeImages
Returns the distances between pairs of points on a square griddistanceGridUnits
Finds the minimum distance(s) between point(s) and a linedistancePointToLine
Finds the distance between two points or sets of pointsdistancePointToPoint
Finds the optimized DLT coefficients for a stereo camera setupdltCalibrateCameras print.summary.dltCalibrateCameras summary.dltCalibrateCameras
Returns the error during calibration coefficient optimizationdltCoefficientRMSError
Computes DLT coefficients for a stereo camera setupdltCoefficients print.summary.dltCoefficients summary.dltCoefficients
Finds the distance between a point and a self-epipolar linedltEpipolarDistance
Finds a epipolar or self-epipolar linedltEpipolarLine
Returns ideal pixel coordinates of 3D point(s) in a stereo camera setupdltInverse
Matches curve points between two camera viewsdltMatchCurvePoints print.summary.dltMatchCurvePoints summary.dltMatchCurvePoints
Returns the closest point on a epipolar line to a point or pointsdltNearestPointOnEpipolar
Reconstructs the 3D position of points in two or more camera viewsdltReconstruct print.summary.dltReconstruct summary.dltReconstruct
Tests the accuracy of a stereo camera calibrationdltTestCalibration print.summary.dltTestCalibration summary.dltTestCalibration
Returns the error during transformation parameter optimizationdltTransformationParameterRMSError
Creates a checkerboard imagedrawCheckerboard
Extracts frames from videoextractFrames
Finds internal corners of a checkerboard patternfindCheckerboardCorners
Optimally aligns one point set to anotherfindOptimalPointAlignment
Fits regularly spaced points to a sample line or gridgridPointsFit
Performs image perspective transformations to a gridimagePlaneGridTransform
Returns imagePlaneGridTransform errorimagePlaneGridTransformError
Converts a landmark list to a landmark matrixlandmarkListToMatrix
Converts a landmark matrix to a landmark listlandmarkMatrixToList
Estimates checkerboard square sizemeasureCheckerboardSize print.summary.measureCheckerboardSize summary.measureCheckerboardSize
Finds the orthogonal projection of a point onto a lineorthogonalProjectionToLine
Generates evenly spaced points from point matrixpointsAtEvenSpacing
Generates points along an interval with quadratic parameterizationquadraticPointsOnInterval
Reads a file of Bezier control pointsreadBezierControlPoints
Reads file(s) containing grid points into an arrayreadCheckerboardsToArray
Reads landmark file(s) into a listreadLandmarksToList
Reads a landmark file or files into a matrixreadLandmarksToMatrix
Reads a StereoMorph shape fileprint.shapes readShapes
3D reconstruction of landmark and curves from stereo coordinatesreconstructStereoSets
Reflects missing landmarks across the plane of symmetryprint.summary.reflectMissingLandmarks reflectMissingLandmarks summary.reflectMissingLandmarks
Resamples imaged grid pointsresampleGridImagePoints
Converts TPS file to shape fileTPSToShapes
Performs rotational and translational transformations to a planar gridtransformPlanarCalibrationCoordinates
Optimally align a set of partial landmark setsprint.summary.unifyLandmarks summary.unifyLandmarks unifyLandmarks
Writes landmarks as TPS filewriteLMToTPS